NORWELD SITE VISIT Students from St Andrew's Catholic College visited Norweld this Term. Norweld offer students tours every few weeks through our iENGAGE Student Industry Engagement Program in conjunction with the Cairns Manufacturing Hub. For more information on the iENGAGE Program contact
Babinda State School visits Jet Aviation This term Jet Aviation joined the iENGAGE Student Industry Engagement Progam held in conjunction with the Cairns Manaufacturing Hub. Students from Babinda State School were first through the hangar and facilities at Cairns Airport. For more information on the iENGAGE Program contact
Cairns Youth Careers Expo Over 100 exhibitors filled the Fred Moule Pavilion at the Cairns Showgrounds last month offering students the biggest and most diverse Careers Expo todate. Over 4500 students came through the doors in the space of a few hours and were treated to a range of...
BLA turns 30 The Business Liaison Association turned 30 in style this year with a Gala Ball held at the Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal. Sponsors both current and past as well as Principals and Past Committee Members were all invited. The night included a trip down memory lane upon arrival with...
Australian Young Engineer of the Year Deanna Hood Deanna spoke to 49 students from Year 7, 8, 9 and 11 who were selected by their Science teachers for the interest and ability in STEM subjects. She was a highly enthusiastic and engaging presenter and spoke about her truly amazing...