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Screen Queensland Excellence in Performing Arts Awards

Screen Queensland Excellence in Performing Arts Awards



The Business Liaison Association (BLA), in conjunction with Screen Queensland are offering bursaries for students of the Far Northern Region intending to pursue a career in the Performing Arts through tertiary study in 2024.

The bursaries are open to high achieving Dance, Drama or Music students in Year 12.

The Awards are in the form of a certificate, which is supported by bursaries of $1000, $600, an encouragement award of $300.

These awards are proudly sponsored by Screen Queensland.

We encourage all schools to nominate suitable applicants for this round of bursaries and support the initiative to promote and support students in the Performing Arts.

Closing Date: Wednesday 8th October, 2025


1. Screen Queensland Excellence in Performing Arts Awards.pdf

2. Screen Queensland Excellence in Performing Arts Awards_ Application Form.pdf

For more details, please contact the coordinator shown below:

Coordinator: Fiona Johnson

Email: reach@bentleyparkcollege.eq.edu.au
