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QIMR Visit - Trinity Bay State High School

Business Liaison Association

Kerrie Stanley 30 August, 2018 Careers Information

QIMR Visit - Trinity Bay State High School

QIMR Visit - Trinity Bay State High School

We had 210 Trinity Bay students hear the wonderful science stories of the QIMR team.

Feedback from students as always was very heartening and positive. They tell me this directly and with the excellent and intelligent questions they pose. Another key indicator is just how many of the students stayed back afterwards with the scientists into their own lunch breaks and after school time to source more information and listen to more stories about their careers. We love this program as do our students and value to support enormously. 

I had a subject information night last night and a parent sort me out specifically to say that their child loved the microscope section of the talk but I have had student feedback on every one of the talks as frankly each presenter had something that resonated with particular students. The coding students loved the use of computers to look for cancer talk and of course Greg's  background  fits in nicely in this region and inspires and many feel they know him well from his visits. I know I enjoy seeing him and his team each year.

We have 3 full chemistry classes next year for the first time and science subjects are oversubscribed in many cases.  I put the QIMR talks as one of the eye opening moments that we do at the school for students. Money very well spent.

Angela. Thank you for making a difference and thanks to the BLA for their wisdom and drive.

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