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Meet Our 2020 Corporate Sponsors

Business Liaison Association

Kerrie Stanley 06 March, 2020 Business

Meet Our 2020 Corporate Sponsors


Firstly, I would like to thank our loyal sponsors again for their generous support of the Business Liaison Association throughout 2019 with our vision to educate, connect, and improve the lives of the youth in our region.  It is because of individuals and organisations such as these that we are able to succeed with this vision.  We are so proud of our association with them and their business and truly appreciate their sponsorship.

As we enter the new year of 2020, navigating our way through these uncertain times, your support for the BLA in 2020 does not go unnoticed. Without companies like these below, we wouldn’t be able to support our local students with the next stage as they journey into their chosen careers.  We also look forward to welcoming our new and transitioning sponsors throughout 2020.


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