On the morning of Friday, 6th March, a group of Redlynch State College Year 11 and 12 students attended the Careers in Health breakfast.
The event was run by Angela Toppin and the Business Liaison Association in partnership with James Cook University.
A total of 226 students from 13 schools from across the district attended the breakfast.
The event included five guest speakers, an occupational therapy honours student, a senior speech pathologist, a nursing and midwifery lecturer, and intern pharmacist, and an accredited exercise physiologist & sport scientist. The range of speakers allowed insight into different medical fields that students can further their study at JCU in. Each of the speakers shared a brief summary of their journey in their professions and an insight into what their career involves.
Whilst enjoying the delicious buffet breakfast provided, we were entertained by Redlynch State College Senior RACE Music Program students Sharelle Edward and Riley Bormann along with Mr Dan Bruce (teacher).
Molly Braid, Year 12
Redlynch State College
**This article was published by the Cairns Post"