No Students:27 (Yr7+8)
While the presenters were not teachers, they were very professional and enthusiastic and each of them made it a point to connect with various students who were really engaged or those that I pointed out, as enjoying the coding / IT / design side of learning.
A very good visit. We had to rush the challenge a little, but the students have a much better understanding of what engineers actually do. It may have helped one or two of our more able maths/science students think about an alternative pathway.
Thank you again for the opportunity. In our isolation, we need to expose the students to as many possible life pathways as possible.
Tuki Brown
Dimbulah State School
Engineers without borders was a great success! Our students loved it – especially how hands-on the workshops were.
We had 73 students and 5 teachers participate. One of our teachers said these guys were the best EWB presenters we’ve ever had.
It was great to have such a variety of workshops. Two workshops matched nicely with science units the students were doing – this helped with student engagement.
Raymond Donohue
HOD - Senior Schooling
Kuranda District State College
We had 30 students and 4 teachers attend the session. The students were engaged and all benefited from the hands on activity which was conducted. Students were supported and encouraged by the Engineers in their task to construct a prosthetic device. I particularly enjoyed when the students needed to explain their prosthetic device prior to obtaining their materials for the build. The Engineers present challenged students while being supportive of student thinking.
Thank you for the opportunity for students to participate in this worthwhile workshop.
Nina Gracie
Visual Art, English and Humanities Teacher
Year 9 Coordinator
Herberton State School P-10
The Workshop facilitated by David was interactive, well presented and had all students involved and participating in the activities.
It was a pleasure to have the Team visit Ravenshoe to present this Workshop to the students. 3 teachers and all 35 students in Years 11 and 12 interacted and participated with full enthusiasm during the Workshop and I am sure all students and staff enjoyed themselves.
Many students interacted with the team during and after the workshop to ask questions and learn more about the presenters and their opinions moving forward in their own education.
Students were able to work together to achieve a common goal and when presenting their final product were proud to present to their peers.
The EWQ Workshop team had the ability to create a passionate and inclusive environment for all students from various backgrounds and it was a delight for me to see the students enjoying themselves so much.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank The Business Liaison Association for including Ravenshoe State School in this workshop.
David and the team were, a pleasure to meet. When I required an urgent change to the original schedule they were more than happy to work with us to ensure that our students did not miss out on this opportunity.
I cannot thank them enough for their time and support to organise this for our students.
Thank you for your time and efforts Angela to support Ravenshoe State School.
Melanie Shailer
Industry Liason Officer – Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
G Block - AO2 – Tuesday and Friday
Ravenshoe State School P-12
On Thursday 5th May senior Biology and year 10 science students were fortunate enough to attend a presentation by Adam Hines, the Wonder of Science Ambassador. Adam spoke about his pathway to his PhD, some of the challenges he faced and skills that he has developed through his undergraduate studies. He also discussed the flexibility within the university system to change pathways if your interest lies in a different area than where you are studying and the ability to move into a different field of study from high school to university.
David explained his work in the field of neuroscience by looking at how the neurotransmitters in the brain work and how information is transported from the body to the brain. He then spoke more specifically about his work on the effects of general anaesthesia on the brain. It was really fascinating to hear from a scientist working in the field of neuroscience and for the students to better understand how a commonly used medical procedures such as anaesthetics works on the brain and just how much is still to be learnt in this area. It was also incredible to learn about how Adam collects a lot of his data from the very tiny Fruit Fly brain! Science is amazing!!!
A big thank you to Adam for sharing his expertise in the incredibly complex field of neuroscience and to the Wonder of Science and Business Liaison Association who organised and funded Adam’s visit to Cairns.
Kim Wilson
HOD Science
Bentley Park College
Adam spoke to 21 x Year 11 Physics and 16 x Year 10 Science Extension and then had afternoon tea with 6 Science teachers and the 3 of the schools Year 11 UQ Science Ambassadors. He spoke with students about how he got into Science and his research field. He was very enthusiastic and honest about his journey from High School to his current position and engaged the students really well. He was well organised and his presentation of his current field of research was really interesting. Another great experience for tablelands students.
Jason Richardson
Head of Department - Science
Mareeba State High School
We had two sessions and session one was for our 9 Science Academy classes and the students in the Young Indigenous Women’s STEM development project. In total 40 students. In session two we had our year 11 Psychology classes and all students and staff said it was excellent. Adam presented well and I was so pleased that these opportunities for students are happening again. So Important!
I need presentations like this to give students future goals for their schooling and remind them why striving is important.
Thank you for your efforts and it was great to meet Adam.
Bill Liddle
Trinity Bay State High School