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Breakfast with the Law

Business Liaison Association

Kerrie Stanley 19 October, 2018 Careers Information

Breakfast with the Law

Breakfast with the Law 2018

This morning consisted of organising a fantastic Breakfast with the Law sponsored by Vandeleur & Todd Solicitors and Supported by BEAQ. Our guest speaker was Ms Kate Buckley, Barrister at Law who shared her journey to becoming a Barrister with us, followed by Prof Anthony Gray - Life member of BEAQ who opened a hotly debated discussion on Democracy in Australia. We love being able to provide these breakfasts to regional students to assist them with their career choices.

A huge thanks to our talented MC's who were Corinna Fleur & Kyle Bowe from St Mary's Catholic College, the wonderful entertainment that was provided by Ms Keryn Turner & Trinity Bay High School Ensemble, the vote of thanks was given by Angus Moore - St Augustine's College and the official closing by Mr Stephen Todd - Vandeleur & Todd Solicitors (sponsors of the event).

Special thanks to the Organising Committee: Ms Janet Ross, Ms Jessica Williams, Ms Elizabeth Rogerson, Ms Stephanie Dunn-Balzer and Mr Jon Sorensen. Also we would like to thank our raffle sponsors for their wonderful prizes donated today, helping us raise money for headspace cairns.

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