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2018 Annual Aspire Awards

Business Liaison Association

Kerrie Stanley 29 November, 2018 Gifted and Talented Programs

2018 Annual Aspire Awards

2018 Annual Aspire Awards Presentation Night

What a fantastic night with over 550 students, parents, teachers and family members in total and awarding over 100 students for excellence in their chosen subjects.  The students should be very proud of their awards as the competition was extremely strong this year.  Congratulations to all the Schools who encouraged their students to enter into the competitions, we appreciate your support.


This was my first Aspire Awards Night and a big thank you goes out to all the Teaching Co-ordinators, our loyal Volunteers, the BLA Committee for their assistance on the night and our fabulous Emcee's.  A heart felt thank you to our generous sponsors who support these Awards each and every year.

A special Thank You to my amazing in office partner for her dedication and appreciation of my attention to detail when organising events (Iknow that I drive you insane), the one and only Ms Kym Copetti.  We hit a couple of technical hurdles in the production of the event but we got there in the end.

2018 Annual Aspire Award Receipients


Thank you to our Generous and Loyal Sponsors who without them we could not run these Awards!

The Winning Schools





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